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Colorado is currently ranked as one of the lowest states in the country for adequate teacher compensation. Unfortunately, due to the tax structure put in place in the '90s under what is known as TABOR, Colorado has been forced to chronically underfund our K-12 Education system. 

3015 Policy Center has been working on a solution to increasing not just teacher pay, but the salaries of over 108 job classifications of educators. 

Funding for Colorado Teachers - Policy 


Colorado is currently ranked as one of the lowest states in the country for adequate teacher compensation. Unfortunately, due to the unique tax structure put in place in the ‘90s under what is known as TABOR, Colorado has been forced to chronically underfund our K-12 education system. 


3015 Policy Center has been working on a solution to increasing not just teacher pay, but the salaries of over 108 job classifications of educators. 


  • Colorado ranks 49th for a starting average salary of $35,724.  

  • Colorado ranks 26th for an average teacher salary of $58,183. 

  • When teachers' salaries are compared to other professions requiring similar education and experience, teachers see a 71-cent-per-dollar pay gap. 

  • In the 2021-22 school year, 645 teaching positions went unfilled throughout the state.

  • In the 2019-20 school year, only 64% of people who completed a teacher preparation program in Colorado obtained a license to teach in the state in the year following graduation.

  • 3015 Policy Center is dedicated to transparent data collection.

    To request further data please reach out to Camille Driver at

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