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Education Engagement Tool

With information comes the power and confidence to engage in conversations one may otherwise feel intimidated to be in. With this tool, we hope to help inform the public about what their school district looks like, the number of teachers, the demographics of teachers, and how their salaries compare to the other earners in their community. 


How to use the tool: We've made it easy to navigate your way through the tool which highlights some of the policies proposed in our Funding for Colorado Teachers

Step 1: Use the drop-down menu to select any school district in Colorado 

Step 2: On the left-hand side of the dashboard you will find demographic data specific to that school district 

Step 3: On the right-hand side there is a breakdown of the individual school. We've put what Senate and House district that specific school falls in. We hope having access to those districts will inform the community about whom they should reach out to. Holding Legislators accountable is a key part of passing transformational policy. 

Step 4: In the second part of the tool you will find how the Pathway To Pay Formula, broken down in our fact sheet, stacks up with the district. 


* should you have any questions regarding this data, how to use it, or to request clarifying information please reach out to Camille Driver at

3015 Policy Center is dedicated to all the little girls who were ever told that they were too much.
"Anyplace that demands you shrink is a place that will suffocate your spirit and leave you gasping for air."
Luvvie Ajayi Jones

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